Friday, December 7, 2018

How to Stop Being Self-Centered

Area: Self Improvement
Have you ever wondered if you are being self-centered for days together? Here is how to identify. This article gives you tips on this.

1)   You think of yourself only all day, forgetting friends and family
Did you find yourself ever in the above circumstance when all day you think of yourself only, your prosperity, your finances, your career, your dreams and aspirations. While it’s good to work on self-improvement for some part of the day, it’s also good to meet family and friends, hold conversations and have fun.

2)   You talk about yourself only when meeting others, without listening to their stories
Do you only talk about yourself when you meet others, without giving them a good ear? Then you are really being self-centered. You need to listen to others’ stories for the joys involved and for the fun and experience. Share your own stories as well but do listen to others.

3)   You are spending too much time with yourself
You hardly interact with others but are being totally by yourself. You are spending all your time on yourself. It’s good to dream and have goals but you also need to come in contact with mother nature and have interventions with friends and family.

4)   You are gazing at yourself only all day
You haven’t been outdoors but gazing at your pics and yourself in the mirror, too intent on looking and feeling good about yourself. But doing that only all day, you are being self-centered. When you look at pics look at others also but not only you. When you go out, do not wonder only if you are looking good, gaze at others and make eye contacts and smile at those you know.

Summing up, those are some of the pointers to identify if you are being self-centered and how to come to solutions to recover from those situations.

All the best,

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