Tuesday, June 18, 2024

New Article: The Aftereffects the Teaching of a Notable Professor Had on Me

Please read the following stunning article I authored on hubpages.com:

The Aftereffects the Teaching of a Notable Professor Had on Me

This is an account of how the course, Compiler Design taught by one of my special professors had positive outcomes on me and how I impacted others for years on. Click below:

Saturday, February 9, 2019

How to Raise Vibrational Frequency for Happiness

Area: Self-Improvement

We are all here on this earth to do things we love to do and be happy. How then is it possible for us to raise the vibrational frequency for happiness? Read on.

Here are a few tips:

1)   Doing what we love to do makes us love what we do. With that comes fulfillment and happiness. This itself raises the vibrational frequency for happiness.

2)   Play with your spouse and children and be busy doing it. Along with it cut jokes and laugh. There is no better way to spend time with family. In that the vibrational frequency for happiness is elevated.

3)   Play music and treat your friends light refreshments. Do some merry-making and fooling around. This is another good way to raise the frequency level for your happiness.

4)   Throw down a challenge over your buddies. It can be about self-improvement. Challenge them to develop three good habits within three months. Competition will arise and in the end, better you and better persons will come out alive. This will definitely improve the frequency level of your happiness and wellbeing.

5)   Appreciate your family and friends. Compliment them for something genuine. Give them amazing little gifts and surprise them. They are bound to love you back triple-fold. And this boosts the vibrational frequency for your happiness.

Summing up, these are five pointers that keep you happy by raising the vibrational frequency. This has an upside because not only you are in a good mood and enjoying life but also all that you desire earnestly will be delivered to you by the Universe when it catches your high vibrational frequency. Gotcha?

All the best,

P.S For a wealth of free resources based on stunning fiction stories, amazing self-help eBooks and awesome academic guides along with large book images and inspirational quotes, visit my Facebook page here. When you visit that page, remember to like the page.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

For Women: What Does Independence Mean? Make Your Own Rules

Area: Women’s Interests
Are you too dependent on your man? It’s time to get independent. If needed, break some rules and make new ones. Ha ha! It’s high time to enjoy the mojo of life.

What would independence mean to you? To me independence means being financially free and be able to go places within my budget and buying stuff for myself. I would however not venture to go out at night. I would complete all my duties and To Dos within the day. I would not share all my personal problems with just anyone – only the people I trust. I would have big thoughts on my life overall and dream big dreams which I would like to materialize with all my perseverance and determination. I would do anything I love to do for my peace of mind and for my satisfaction. These are some of the rules I have set for myself to enjoy and benefit from my life.

How about you? What are your dreams and aspirations? How would you like to get independent? What are the rules you would like to follow? What changes would you like to make to your rules so that your dreams can get manifested faster? What is the tiniest action you could take today towards them?

Consider the above questions and make your new rules a priority. You are bound to get more independent. Think also what actions you could take to make your new rules. Now that’s a lot to take in. You don’t have to do everything today. It can be one action/thought per day and you go slow.

Everything you want can come to fruition. Remember you are making new rules to get more independent and make your dreams a reality. Isn’t it? So be consistent, modify your rules as you would like and get out strong and more independent. Sounds good?

All the best,
P.S For a wealth of free resources based on stunning fiction stories, amazing self-help eBooks and awesome academic guides along with large book images and inspirational quotes, visit my Facebook page here. When you visit that page, remember to like the page.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

How Do You Correct Your Problems?

Area: Self-Improvement

Ever wondered what the easiest way to correct your problems could be? Read on.

When you have a plethora of problems, you don’t get to fix them but focus on their solutions. How do you arrive at solutions? By correcting your thinking. Remember your negative thoughts gave rise to your current problems in the first place.

Here are a few pointers:
1)   From a brink of positivity, dwell on swarms of positivity
When you replace your negative thoughts by positive ones and dwell on positivity, you start to see solutions and your problems dissolve.

2)   If you are challenged by life, try sharing a funny real-life anecdote with someone
Laughing and smiling over a funny real-life anecdote with a friend or family member immediately puts you in a lighter mood and you are better able to arrive at solutions to your challenge.

3)   Visualize lovely images
To give your mind a break from negative thoughts, dwell for a few seconds on calm and serene beautiful images you have encountered in the past. This immediately helps to better let problems fix themselves.

4)   Sing or play a musical instrument
Either singing or playing a musical instrument detaches you from your problems, taking you to a heightened peak of tranquility. This largely helps to ease your mind and you are free from the chain of negative thoughts and ready to come to solutions to your problems with your creative thinking.

Summing up, those are a few pointers that could help you abandon your negative thoughts and arrive at prospective solutions to your problems by correcting your thoughts.

All the best,
P.S For a wealth of free resources based on stunning fiction stories, amazing self-help eBooks and awesome academic guides along with large book images and inspirational quotes, visit my Facebook page here. When you visit that page, remember to like the page.

Friday, January 4, 2019

How to Overcome Your Fears

Is there something you are afraid of? How do you get past that? Do you think you can handle it? Yes, you can overcome it. Read this article to find out.
Here are a few pointers:

1)   Do more of the stuff you are afraid of
For instance, the huge workloads presented to you per week at your office drive you nuts and you are always afraid if you are able to meet the deadlines. So in this case, you should practice handling more of these projects, distributing and dedicating them to team members while carrying out your portion(s) of the work. Bit by bit everything will fall into place and it becomes a game of life in which you always win.

2)   Say to yourself a comforting quote and you will be okay.
If something intimidates you like walking or traveling by boat in a storm, say to yourself for instance, “This too shall pass”. The minute you make this statement, the rush of adrenaline in your body takes lower pace, color comes back to your face and you are thinking without stress. There is great power in this statement. So use it whenever something frightens you.

3)   Talk to somebody about your fears
Share your fears with somebody and that person will surely help to even your concerns. Laugh and smile, making your fears even lighter. Sometimes your fears are just imaginary and they never really happen in life.

4)   Confront it upfront
So you are afraid of something, completely immobile and paralyzed. Do a mind shift, confront it and finish with it. It takes brevity and when no one is around to help, you will have to do it by yourself. For instance, I hate lizards. One day I was alone all by myself at home. On the rest room door, there sat a lizard. It was still and it didn’t move or go away. I hated to confront it but nevertheless I got a hard soled shoe and insect spray and sprayed on it all over. It got detached from the door and fell on the ground. I smashed it then with the shoe and got finished with the job, clearing away the mess. It only requires the right mindset to confront your fears. And the strength is always there within you. So just tap on it.

Summing up, these are some of the pointers that will help you to get over what really frightens  you. Implement them, as appropriate and you will thrive.

All the best,
P.S For a wealth of free resources based on stunning fiction stories, amazing self-help eBooks and awesome academic guides along with large book images and inspirational quotes, visit my Facebook page here. When you visit that page, remember to like the page.

Friday, December 7, 2018

How to Stop Being Self-Centered

Area: Self Improvement
Have you ever wondered if you are being self-centered for days together? Here is how to identify. This article gives you tips on this.

1)   You think of yourself only all day, forgetting friends and family
Did you find yourself ever in the above circumstance when all day you think of yourself only, your prosperity, your finances, your career, your dreams and aspirations. While it’s good to work on self-improvement for some part of the day, it’s also good to meet family and friends, hold conversations and have fun.

2)   You talk about yourself only when meeting others, without listening to their stories
Do you only talk about yourself when you meet others, without giving them a good ear? Then you are really being self-centered. You need to listen to others’ stories for the joys involved and for the fun and experience. Share your own stories as well but do listen to others.

3)   You are spending too much time with yourself
You hardly interact with others but are being totally by yourself. You are spending all your time on yourself. It’s good to dream and have goals but you also need to come in contact with mother nature and have interventions with friends and family.

4)   You are gazing at yourself only all day
You haven’t been outdoors but gazing at your pics and yourself in the mirror, too intent on looking and feeling good about yourself. But doing that only all day, you are being self-centered. When you look at pics look at others also but not only you. When you go out, do not wonder only if you are looking good, gaze at others and make eye contacts and smile at those you know.

Summing up, those are some of the pointers to identify if you are being self-centered and how to come to solutions to recover from those situations.

All the best,

P.S For a wealth of free resources based on stunning fiction stories, amazing self-help eBooks and awesome academic guides along with large book images and inspirational quotes, visit my Facebook page here. When you visit that page, remember to like the page.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

How to Communicate Without Getting Angry

Area:  Self Improvement -> Anger Management
Ever pondered how some people get through life easily and successfully maintaining work as well as family relationships? How come you are not as lucky as them? Ever realized it could be your temper, giving off hot fumes of anger at everyone you could find? You need to control this anger. This  article shows several scenarios where you could even off your temper and deal with people more rationally and coolly.
Here they go:
1)      You are doing a good job at a company until you are laid off one day. You get furious with your boss. Take a little time to distract yourself by whistling a favorite tune. Then confront your boss. He is not going to change his mind but at least his constructive criticism would help.

2)      You get into a row with your spouse about dropping children at school in the morning. You don’t want to do it any longer but it becomes too much pressure on your wife. Don’t be serious for too long. Divert it into a joke and merry laughter. You will have to drop your children at school – take the responsibility and don’t think of it as a burden. Think of those families who are not blessed with children at all.

3)      Your colleague has insulted you at work in front of others. Take three breaths before you have your say. Be cool and say whatever you would like to say tactfully and diplomatically. He will never get at you again, knowing what a quality person you are.

4)      Your children have dirtied their clothes walking and jumping in mud water and in rain. You think of washing their dirty clothes and giving them baths as extra burdens. However, please understand that your children enjoyed their time in mother nature. Take the burdens easy and greet your children with a smile. Your temper immediately evaporates. Give them warm clothes and warm food to eat. Cuddle together and have fun.

Summing up, these are some of the scenarios you are likely to be in everyday life. They show how you can direct yourself away from the deadly fate of losing your temper.

All the best,
Alias Pinky
P.S For a wealth of free resources based on stunning fiction stories, amazing self-help eBooks and awesome academic guides along with large book images and inspirational quotes, visit my Facebook page here. When you visit that page, remember to like the page.

New Article: The Aftereffects the Teaching of a Notable Professor Had on Me

Please read the following stunning article I authored on hubpages.com: The Aftereffects the Teaching of a Notable Professor Had on Me This i...